Thursday, May 29, 2008

Childhood Apraxia/Speech Delay Links

I am continually surprised at how many people are searching for information on childhood speech delay. I'm not sure why I'm surprised, as I've been there myself.

Maybe it's because of the fact that every day I have many hits on my childhood apraxia posts (that's all 2 of them:). And from all over the world as well. That may not seem like much to other people, but I happen to know I am a small minnow in the huge internet pond, and I would think I'd be the last place a search would land you. Apparently, not so.

So I wanted to share a few new links I have found that might be helpful to others.

The Speech Therapy Web I am really excited about finding this site. I am hoping to get some new ideas to use with my own daughter, and I encourage anyone looking for ways to work with their children one-on-one at home to visit this site. While I can share with others my experiences with my own daughter who has childhood apraxia, that definitely can't compare with someone who has been trained to work with speech-delayed children. She has a Q&A section that could especially be helpful for those who would like some advice concerning their child's particular issues.

My Blizzle This is the blog of a homeschooling mom who has a 7 year old daughter who has speech issues. Although she hasn't written a post in over a year, I found several of her old posts encouraging on several levels: 1) she had alot of the same worries as I do about her daughter "fitting in" with other kids, and 2) I was encouraged to hear the advancements her daughter has made since she started therapy. She includes some YouTube clips of her daughter that I enjoyed watching. I wish the best for her and her little girl.

Apraxia Kids This is the site that put an end to my searching, and pointed me in the right direction for getting help for my daughter's speech issues. They have a wealth of information on their site, and also have a monthly newletter you can sign up for.

I don't often post on this subject, as I know it doesn't apply to most who visit my blog. But I do like to occasionally touch on the subject and share things that have helped us in this area.

Have a wonderful day~


Nikki said...

I would like to thank you for these posts even though my children, as far as I know, do not have speech problems. I need to be reminded that there are struggling children out there, and not to take mine for granted.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to read about the lives of the blogs you read about. It makes it more personal. That is why I love reading a few blogs as opposed to TV because it is real. Thanks for sharing this.

Sheri said...

I came across your blog today and I really appreciate it! I don't know whether my son has apraxia- though it has been suspected....he is still young (2 years 4 months)....In any event- just wanted to say hi and thank you for sharing your "story"...I'll most likely check back!:)

Congrats on all the progress!