Friday, April 25, 2008

This and That

The boys had a great time going to work with hubby yesterday. There were around 200 kids there (his workplace has approx. 1700 employees; basicly, it's a small campus). They had a tour and activities for about 3 hrs, then they went to lunch with Grandma (who also works there).

They came home with some neat stuff (to kids:), including a very nice heavy duty water bottle. When I jokingly suggested that I could use one myself, they seems hubby had warned them that I would try to "mooch" one off of them! What can I say?

Meanwhile, the Princess had fun at home making this cake. Think Christmas and Valentines Day mixed together...

She was quite excited about the guys coming home and eating her handiwork, which they did..right after we snapped this picture;)

Here's a link I came across this week with animated songs your younger kids may enjoy. I was looking for a site where the Princess could listen to the alphabet being sung, while also seeing the letters. You have to watch the ant song if you go there, it's quite cute. They also have various songs in other languages.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Marva said...

The cake looks yummy! Pricess did a great job! So glad the boys had a good time with their Dad! Thanks for the link! I cannot wait to give it a view and a listen! Blessings!!!!