Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Anchor Holds

Though the angry surges roll, on my tempest driven soul,
I am peaceful, for I know, wildly though the winds may blow,
I've an anchor safe and sure, that can evermore endure.

And it holds my anchor holds; blow your wildest then, oh gale,
on my bark so small and frail: by His grace I shall not fail,
For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.

I can feel the anchor fast as I meet each sudden blast,
and the cable, though unseen, bears the heavy strain between;
Still I stand the tempest's shock, for my anchor grips the Rock.

Troubles almost 'whelm the soul; grief like billows o'er me roll;
tempters seek to lure astray, storms obscure the light of day,
But in Christ I can be bold, I've an anchor that shall hold.

I'm thanking God today that we don't have to bear the storms of life on our own! This song has been going through my mind the last few days. It's an old favorite, that has really never grown old.


Nikki said...

I really like this hymn, too. We don't sing it much anymore at church, and I wonder why.

Rachel said...

Awesome song! Thanks for sharing, and for the reminder. ;)

Marva said...

Thanks sweet friend! I needed that! It sure does! Praise the Lord! Blessings!!!!!!

Mrs. Darling said...

Thanks for sharing the song, now share the storms.
What awful storm of life are you going through right now? We'll all help you get through it? :):):)